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Welcome to the Visualization Lab at Rutgers University

Welcome to Vizlab! Our research is in the area of scientific visualization, information visualization, and computer graphics.

As we rush into the era of parallel computing, scientific simulations are capitalizing to produce ultrascale datasets. To help analyze datasets extending to the order of thousands of petabytes, Vizlab is currently focusing on tools to sift and detect activities of interest in such huge datasets. Some of our latest projects include visualizing job database for career counseling, tracking and illustrative visualization of ocean eddies, web-based 3D data visualization, and automatically detecting activities of interest from scientific datasets.

Our multi-disciplinary laboratory began in 1989 with Prof. N. Zabusky and Prof. D. Silver. During the initial period we had support from the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research. Later we had funding from a variety of agencies, most prominently the Department of Energy, ARPA, NASA Ames Reasearch Center, CAIP, Rutgers University and Thomas Jefferson University Medical College. Our past and present collaborators include Los Alamos National Laboratory, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Cambridge University (UK), NASA ICASE, National Institute of Fusion (Japan), Siemens, Sarnoff Corporation and UMDNJ.

Our interest lies in all areas of visualization and volume graphics. We are always looking for bright and motivated students. Please contact us if you are interested.



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