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Professor Marilyn Tremaine
Professor Marilyn Tremaine
Professional Science Masters Program Rutgers, the State University 713 CoRE Building Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: +1-848-445-5554+1-848-445-5554 Mobile: +1-609-933-0270+1-609-933-0270
Skype: RosemaryPotatoes
- Ph.D. Communication Theory (1982) University of Southern California
- MSc. Communication Theory (1978) University of Southern California
- BS in French, Mathematics & Physics (1969)University of Wisconsin
Research Interests
- Global Software Development
- Developing Interfaces for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Stroke Rehabilitation via Virtual Reality Interfaces
- Visualization Literacy
Recent Ph.Ds (14 total)
- Chandra Sekhar Mantravadi (2010)
- Richard Egan (2008)
- Suling Zhang (2007)
- Morgan Benton (2007)
- Robert Lutz (2007)
- Xioayu Chen (2007)
- Dezhi Wu (2006)
- Benjamin Ngugi (2006)
- Bogdan Dorohonceanu (2005)
- Manpreet Kaur (2004)
Zhang, S., Tremaine, M., Fjermestad, J., and Milewski, A., Leader Delegation in Global Software Teams: Occurence and Effects, Electronic Markets, 2011.
Ngugi, B., Kamis, A., Tremaine, M. Intention to Use Biometric Systems. e-Service Journal, 7(3), 20-46, 2011.
Ngugi, B., Tremaine, M., Tarasewich, P. (2011). Biometric Keypads: Improving Accuracy through Optimal Pin Selection. Decision Support Systems, 40(4), 769-776, 2011.
Ngugi, B., Kahn, B., Tremaine, M. Typing Biometrics: Impact of Human Learning on Performance Quality. ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, 2(2), 2011.
Zhang, S., Koebler, F., Tremaine, M. and Milewski, A. E., Instant Messaging in Global Software Teams. International Journal of e-Collaboration, 6(3), 43-63, 2010.
Milewski, A., Tremaine, M., Köbler, F., Egan, R., Zhang, S., and O’Sullivan, P. Guidelines for Effective Bridging in Global Software Engineering, Special issue on Global Software Development, Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 13, 477-492, 2009.
Zhang, S., Tremaine, M., Egan, R., Milewski, A., O'Sullivan, P., and Fjermestad, J.,Occurrence and Effects of Leader Delegation in Virtual Software Teams, International Journal of e-Collaboration, 5(1), 47-68, January-March 2009.
- Milewski, A. E., Tremaine, M., Egan, R., Zhang, S., Köbler, F. and O’Sullivan, P. Guidelines for Effective Bridging in Global Software Engineering. Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Bangalore, India, Aug. 17-20, 2008, IEEE Digital Library, ( ), 10 pg..
- Benton, M.C. and Tremaine, M. Systems Analysis Using the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change. Proceedings of America’s Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2007, CDROM and AIS Digital Library ( ), August 14-17, 2008, 10 pages.
- Zhang, S. Tremaine, M., Egan, R., Milewski, A., O’Sullivan, P. and Fjermestad, J. Occurrence and Effects of Leader Delegation in Virtual Teams. International Journal of Electronic Collaboration, (in press), 2008.
- Benton, M.C. and Tremaine, M. QuesGen: Clarifying the Dimensions of Multiple-Choice Question Quality. Proceedings of American Educational Research Association Conference, AERA 2008, New York, NY, March 24-28, 2008, 10 pg.
- Zhang, S., Tremaine, M., Egan, R., Milewski, A, Plotnick, L., O’Sullivan, P.and Fjermestad, J. Occurrence and Effects of Leader Delegation in Virtual Teams. Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS’41, Hawaii, Big Island, January 7-10, 2008, IEEE Digital Library, ( ), 10 pages.
- Milewski, A. E., Tremaine, M., Egan, R.., Zhang, S. Köbler, F., and O’Sullivan, P. Information "Bridging " in a Global Organization. Proceedings of IBM CASCON 2007, October 22-25, 2007, Toronto, CANADA and Dublin, Ireland, ACM Digital Library ( ), 10 pages.
- Zhang, S., Tremaine, M., Egan, R., Milewski, A., Fjermestad, J. and O’Sullivan, P. Leader Delegation, Task Significance and Trust in Global Software Development Teams. Proceedings of America’s Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2007, CDROM and AIS Digital Library ( ), August 9-12, 2007, 10 pages.
- Tremaine, M., Milewski, A., Egan, R. and Zhang, S. A Tale of Two Teams: Success and Failure in Virtual Team Meetings. Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction International Conference, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007.
- Egan, R., Tremaine, M., Fjermestad, J., Milewski, A. and O’Sullivan, P. Cultural Differences in Temporal Perceptions and its Application to Running Efficient Global Software Teams, Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Florianopolis, Brazil, Oct. 16-19, 2006.
- Zhang, S., Tremaine, M., Fjermestad, J., Milewski, A. and O’Sullivan, P. Delegation in Virtual Teams: the Moderating Effects of Team Maturity and Team Distance. Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Florianopolis, Brazil, Oct. 16-19, 2006.
- Wu, D., Ngugi, B. and Tremaine, M. Personal Use of Temporal Structures Involving Electronic Time Management Systems. Proceedings of ISOneWorld, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2006.
- Boyd-Graber, J. Nikolova, S., Moffatt, K., Kin, K., Lee, J., Mackey, L., Tremaine, M., and Klawe, M. Participatory Design with Proxies: Developing a Desktop-PDA System to Support People with Aphasia. Proceedings of ACM CHI’2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 22-27, 2006.
- Chen, X.,Tremaine, M., Lutz, R., Chung, J-W., and Lacsina, P. AudioBrowser: A Mobile Browsable Information Access for the Visually Impaired. Universal Access in the Information Society, April2006
- Chen, X. and Tremaine, M. Patterns of Multimodal Input Usage in Non-Visual Information Navigagtion. Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences - HICSS 2006, Kuaii, HI, CDROM and IEEE Digital Library , January 2006, 10 pages. .
- Velez, M. C., Silver, D. and Tremaine, M. Understanding Visualization through Spatial Ability Differences. Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2005 Conference, VIS 2005, ACM Press, New York, NY and ACM Digital Library, 8 pages..
- Chen, X., Tremaine, M., Lutz, R., Chung, J-W., and Lacsina, P. AudioBrowser: A MobileBrowsable Information Access for the Visually Impaired. Universal Access in the Information Society, April2005.
- Adamovich, S. V., Merians,A. S., Boian, R., Lewis, J.A., Tremaine, M., Burdea, G.S., Recce, M. and Poizner, H. A Virtual Reality Based Exercise System for Hand Rehabilitation Post-Stroke. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Vol 14, No. 2, April 2005.
- Deutsch, J. E., Lewis, J. A., Whitworth, E., Boian, R., Burdea, G. and Tremaine, M. Formative Evaluation and Preliminary Findings of a Virtual Reality Telerehabilitation System for the Lower Extremity. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Vol 14, No. 2, April 2005.
- Zhang, P., Carey, J., Te’eni, D. and Tremaine, M. Integrating Human-Computer Interactgion Development into the Systems Development Life Cycle: A Methodology. Communications of Association for Information Systems (CAIS), Vol. 15, Art. 29,April 2005,, 42 pages.
- Wu, D. and Tremaine, M. Time Experience within an Organization: How do Individuals Manage Temporal Demands and What Technology Can We Build to Support Them? Proceedings of the 2005 American Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2005, CDROM and AIS Digital Library ( ), August 11-15, 2005, 10 pages.
- Chen, X. and Tremaine, M. User Error Handling Strategies on a Non-Visual Multimodal Interface: Preliminary Results from an Exploratory Study. Proceedings of the 2005 American Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2005, CDROM and AIS Digital Library ( ), August 11-15, 2005, 10 pages.
- Tremaine, M., Velez, M., Saracevic, A., Wu, D., Dorohonceanu, B., Krebs, A. and Marsic, I. Does Size Matter: Gender and Platform Effects in Collaborative Problem Solving. In Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences – HICSS 2005, Big Island, HI, CDROM and IEEE Digital Library, January 2005, 10 pages.
- Mayhew, D. and Tremaine, M. A Framework for Cost Justifying Usability Engineering. In Mayhew, D. J. and Bias, R. (Eds.) A Basic Framework for Cost-Justifying Usability Engineering, 2nd Ed. Addision-Wesley, New York, NY, 2005, 45 pages.
- Velez, M., Tremaine, M., Sarasevic, A., Dorohonceanu, B., Krebs, A. and Marsic, I. Who’s in Charge Here? Communicating Across Unequal Platforms. ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (TOCHI), Vol. 11 No. 4, 2004, 407 - 444.
- Benton, M. C., Tremaine, M. and Scher, J. M. Computer Aids for Designing Effective Multiple Choice Questions. Proceedings of the 2004 American Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2004, CDROM and AIS Digital Library (, August 2004, 10 pages.
- Chen, X., Chung, J-W., Lacsina, P. and Tremaine, M. Mobile Browsable Information Access for the Visually Impaired. Proceedings of the 2004 American Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2004, CDROM and AIS Digital Library (, August 2004, 10 pages.
- Ngugi, B., Tremaine, M. and Recce, M. Fighting Identity Fraud with the Addition of Biometric Techniques. Proceedings of the 2004 American Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2004, CDROM and AIS Digital Library (, August 2004, 10 pages.
- Zhang, S. and Tremaine, M. Incidental Information Exchange: A Measure for Assessing the Affect of Mediated Communication on Work Relationships. Proceedings of the 2004 Amercas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2004, CDROM and AIS Digital Library (, August 2004, 10 pages.
- Wu, D., Tremaine, M. and Hiltz, R. Utilizing Information Technology to Improve Time Management Systems. Proceedings of the 2004 Amercas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2004, CDROM and AIS Digital Library (, August 2004, 10 pages.
- Zhang, P., Carey, J., Te’eni, D. and Tremaine, M.Integrating Human-Computer Interaction Development into SDLC: A Methodology. Proceedings of the 2004 Amercas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2004, CDROM and AIS Digital Library (, August 2004, 15 pages.
- Wu, D., Im, I., Tremaine, M., Instone, K. and Turoff, M. A Framework for Classifying Personalization Schemes Used on e-Commerce Websites. In Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, HICSS 2003, Big Island, HI, CDROM and IEEE Digital Library (, January 2003, 10 pages.
- Kaur, M., Tremaine, M., Huang, N., Wilder, J., Gacovski, Z., Flippo, F., and Mandravadi, C. S. Where is It? Event Synchronization in Gaze-Speech Input Systems. Proceedings of the ACM 5th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI 2003, ACM Press, New York, NY, November 2003, 151-158.
- Adamnovich, S., Merians, A., Boian, R., Tremaine, M., Burdea, G., Recce, M. and Poizner, H. A Virtual Reality-Based Exercise System for Hand Rehabilitation Post-Stroke. Proceedings of the IEEE Second International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation, September 2003, 74-81.
- Whitworth, E., Lewis, J., Boian, R., Deutsch, J. and Tremaine, M. Formative Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Telerehabilitation System for Lower Extremity. Proceedings of the IEEE Second International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation, September 2003, 13-20.
- Lacsina, P., Chen, X. and Tremaine, M. Designing Non-Visual Bookmarks for the Mobile Knowledge Worker. Proceedings of the American Conference on Information Systems 2003, AMCIS 2003, August 2003, CDROM and AIS Digital Library (, August 2003, 10 pages.
- Merians, A. S., Jack, D., Boian, R., Tremaine, M. M., Burdea, G. C., Adamovich, S., Recce, M. and Poizner, H. Virtual Reality-Augmented Rehabilitation for Patients Following Stroke. Physical Therapy, Vol. 82, No. 9, August 2002, pp. 898-915.
- Boian, R., Sharma, A., Merians, A., Burdea, G., Adamovich, S., Recce, M., Tremaine, M. and Poizner, H. Virtual Reality-Based Post Stroke Rehabilitation. Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2002, January 2002, pp. 64-70.
- Marsic, I., Krebs, A. M., Dorhonceanu, B. and Tremaine, M. Designing and Examining PC to Palm Collaboration Proceedings of the HICSS 35th Hawaii InternationalConference on Systems Sciences, Big Island, Hawaii, January 2002, 10 pages.
- Kaur, M., Tremaine, M., Wilder, J. and Hung, G. Integration of Gaze and Speech for Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, ICICS 2001, Singapore, October 2001, 8 pages.
- Jack, D., Boian, R., Merians, A., Tremaine, M., Burdea, G. C., Poizner, H., Adamovich, S.V. and Recce, M.(2001)Virtual Reality Based Stroke Rehabilitation. IEEE Transactions on Virtual Reality, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 2001, pp. 303-318.
- Williams, C. and Tremaine, M. SoundNews: An Audiobrowsing Tool for the Blind. Proceedings of the International Conference on Universal Accessibility 2001, Elsevier, The Netherlands, August 2001.
- Wilder, J. Hung, G. K., Tremaine, M. and Kaur, M. Eye-Tracking in Virtual Environments. In Kay Stanney (Ed.) The Design of Multi-Modal Interfaces, May 2001.
- Jack, D., Boian, R., Merians, A., Adamovich, S. V., Tremaine, M., Recce, M., Burdea, G. C., and Poizner, H. (2000) A Virtual Reality-Based Exercise Program for Stroke Rehabilitation. Proceedings of the ASSETS 2000 Fourth Conference on Assistive Technology, ACM Press, New York, NY, November 13-15, 2000, pp. 56-63.
- Lin, W., Kaur, M., Tremaine, M., Hung, G. and Wilder, J. Performance Analysis of an EyeTracker. In Proceedingsof the SPIE 1999 44th Annual Meeting, SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA.
- Friedlander, N., Schlueter, K. and Mantei, M. Bullseye! When Fitts Law doesn't Fit. Proceedings of the CHI'98 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press, New York, NY, August 1998.
- Friedlander, N., Schlueter, K., and Mantei, M. A Bullseye Menu with Sound Feedback. Proceedings of HCI Internation'97, San Francisco, CA, August 24-29, pp. 379-382.
- Narine, T., Leganchuk, A., Mantei, M. and Buxton, W.A.S.Collaboration Awareness and its Use to Consolidate a Disperse Group. Proceedings of the Interact'97 Conference, Sydney, Australia, July, 1997.
last updated 4/15/14