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Visible Man Volume Animation

Animated Volumes of the Visible Man in VolumePro .vox Format 

"Visible Man Dataset - Courtesy of the Rutgers University Visualization Lab"
The visible man dataset (unanimated) is available free from the national library of medicine (NLM). The animated datasets were produced by the Vizlab, at Rutgers University. The Vizlab, at Rutgers University has developed a technique to animate volume data using traditional computer graphics tools (MAYA, Character Studio, etc.).
The volumes are available here 
Jog Sequence
In this animation, the visible man dataset (lower torso to save on resolution) is animated  in a jog sequence (motion capture data). 9 new volumes were created and rendered on the VolumePro board.
The file halfjog.mvox loads a 9 frame animation each frame is about 2563.
The color map is stored in the file ajog.CLUT. Please load the colormap after loading the volumes.
Punch Sequence 
In this animation, the visible man dataset (uppertorso to save on resolution) is animated  in a punch sequence (motion capture data). 8 new volumes were created and rendered on the VolumePro board.
Another 8 frames on a punch sequence read the README.txt files in the zip file for details
Please uncheck the use Window/Level checkbox in the transfer function group of Revli. If that checkbox is not unchecked then the color map will not be loaded properly. Also click the Full Volume Tab on the Bounding Box group or else the bigger volumes may be cut off.
A better Color Lookup Table(CLUT) has been created please download the file. 
The jog sequence volume when loaded should look like this. This is when the alpha is changed to highlight the skeletal structure 
A sample from the punch sequence:

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