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Merger Tree Visualization & Distributed Computing

We can visualize tree statistics (meta data) for halos with diffferent properties such as:
1. History of large halos with longer existence in the simulation.
2. History of halo with maximum number of mergers.
3. History of halo with maximum/minimum gain in mass/velocity, etc.

All the above visualizations will also show merger information at every time step since we already have that information.

Visualizing in 3D:
1. Merging halos were small in size compared to the main halo, thus visually not very visible.
    Let's try a logarithmic scale as suggested by Tom.

'Staircase' tree viz


2. Using centroid information we can plot trajectory of a halo in 3D with any of the above properties.


Distributed Computing:
Researching on possible ways for growth of individual halo trees as halos migrate (especially ones residing near the process boundary).

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